Wednesday, March 13, 2013

this heart internally

one of the many reasons I started this blog was to record the happenings of our family but also see how God was working in my heart as well... well here you go!

restless night, searching my heart, saddened, acceptance, wondering, struggle, burdened, maybe some frustration.... these are some of the things in this heart.. no, this one will not be "published" on facebook...   I have surely been struggling.. internally... to many they may have never seen!.. I am burdened!..

I see so many needs whether it be orphans, widows, young people, family, loved ones facing cancer, unsaved, and the list could go on... I am hurting, internally....

I have never seen third world countries first hand, but non the less I ache for them... I see the needs and I ache.....I see the need in my own community and I ache.... I want to help!.. I hear of the need BUT then no action when we offer to be the help... Its heartbreaking....  the questions that FLOOD me, the answers I want... what can I do???

 I try to talk to those that have the same heart, only then see at times theres not enough time to get it all in .... I ache!

so then what.. God gently reminds me.... Angela I am all you need!... I have given you my heart and you see the GREAT need around you, I have given you a vision for the world, now go do something! ... as I meet God in His word, He reminds me of so much..

Will I continue on the quest of meeting those needs... Yes!... will I continue to be His hands and feet... Yes!...


  1. When I get overwhelmed with all the needs I'm reminded of what Chris Hinson told me in Uganda.. . "You have to start with one." So, start with one need, one person. . . give yourself to that. And then as that "one" matures, you go to the next "one". God doesn't say we have to do ALL things and meet ALL needs. He just tells us WHATEVER we do to do it all for His glory. These are always lessons I'm learning over and over again :) Love and hugs to you!!!

  2. P.S. Margret was my "One". I felt God calling me to be a voice for her. God has been so very faithful to go beyond that "One" to "41". . .does that make sense? As I sought to help that "one" and obey God's calling, God added and multiplied. I didn't do the adding or the multiplying. God did that, just through my helping "one". I'm not sure if any of this makes sense, but I hope this encourages your heart. I really believe you guys have felt the call to adopt. This is certainly a calling and not for everyone. So, as you guys seeks to obey God through what He has called you to with adopt/foster let that be your "one", be burdened for, pray over, invest in, cry for, plead for your, spend yourselves on behalf of your "one", and let God take care of the rest. Again, I hope all this makes sense. Sometimes I can be full of so many words and none of them make sense ;)
