Friday, March 4, 2016

quiet place closer to the Lord

In a quiet place... even though I am very extroverted because God made me that way , there are times when I find myself in a quiet place inside.. not many post on facebook, not a blog in sight, little longer on responding to text messaging and the list goes on.. I somewhat like this place because it has me in a place closer to the Lord. Focusing on Him and being taken to the woodshed on my sin. praising Him that He is revealing my shortcomings and praising the Lord for Grace.. These times are so good for me. raising 6 kiddos and still having to deal with the drama of bio mom. I need Jesus.. I need His guidance, wisdom, knowledge, presence, love, agape love and the list goes on. My hope is rooted in Christ plus or minus NOTHING! He is all sufficient.. so when God has me in these quiet places I am thankful .