Wednesday, August 15, 2012


after I read 1000 gifts it has made me much MORE aware of what is going on around me!.. I'm usually a very detailed person anyway but this book revealed lots more to me about being intentional about seeing God work everywhere, in all circumstances, in everyday life, etc....  I was so thankful this year for my birthday Michele gave me this book, I know it has been one of her favorites and she is so good about when something is precious to her she wants others to experience it too!... anyway.... I have just been so overwhelmed in the last few months at how God has worked EVEN through SUFFERING and seeing his goodness and love during those times!.. Just because we have a relationship with the Lord that do not guarantee us with a life of prosperity or no suffering!.. I do believe there will be quite a harsh judgement on those who teach this!... 
He speaks of suffering in the scriptures...

Romans 8:28 is one of my favorite verses "and we know that for those who love God, He works ALL things for good for those who are called according to His purpose"

I know God is GOOD and I want to live my life as a life of worship and give him ALL the glory and ALL the praise :)

151. water gun fight
152. working washer and dryer
153. book that helps me again look at life different
154. son who takes sisters place
155. VBS on Kentucky Ave
156. lunch with the Hendrix's after church (faith and Steve)
157 Alexis being able to hug Allison's neck
158. ALMOST finishing our bucket list
159. meeting a new friend at VBS last week
160. the get well box for Caleb after he hurt his foot
161. sitting under Doug in SS... even if it is almost over
162. Soul bags that impacting lives ALL over the world
163. chats with Kat on the phone
164. Lane wearing her gospel bracelet and asking questions
165. coffee (think I have put this on before, but oh well)
166. new shoes
167. hubby that makes me feel special
168. last day before school starts
169. seeing those sweet ladies at FB preschool yesterday
170. microwave we just threw away (was gonna catch on fire)
171. lunch with Lori yesterday
172. forgiveness in Christ
173. John Piper and his challenging words
174. momma that is able to still talk
175. seeing family even if it is at a funeral
176. running water
177. devils food cake 
178. Gods Grace 
179. salvation
180. like minded and like hearted people
181. The Dodd family and the desire to reach what others think are unreachable
182. Internet
183. Soul bags
184. the supplies that the Lord continues to provide for this ministry
185. Christina and her passion for Soul Bags
186. Fox Fever
187. Fox Fever Blanket (Angela made, not me!)
188. chick fil a char grilled salad
189. odysseys tapes (yes I said tapes!)
190. a pastor who preaches with passion and wants his flock to grow!
191. My bible study group
192. sheets (Andrew potty training and having more than one :) )

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

He took her place...................

I have been wanting to sit and write this blog for a while and just could not get it "right" in my head....  but I think that God knew it was not the "right" timing!.. this am I woke up to Andrew 5:15am to be exact screaming out daddy....  mommy..... well if you know this house the kiddos should not get out of bed till at least the sun comes up! :) so I got him settled and then I was WIDE awake... well that means in my mind coffee and bible!....  well...... so I decided to read one of my favorite blogs..

well God said it was time!!.... so now I sit and tell this story of our sweet son Caleb.... well lets just back up.....  he is sweet but still a sinner like us ALL!... but he is a professing christian and we want to make sure that he NEVER has a false salvation....  all that to say is Doug and I want to be "fruit inspectors" and look here folks if our lives have no fruit then we really should revisit our salvation!...  

(Galatians 5:22-23) 22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.

ALWAYS Lord show us glimpses of salvation in our children!

so on with the story... back about 3 weeks to a month ago we had Sunday evening worship and went out to eat with some friends, well you know what happens then.... spend the nights :) well Alexis went on with her friend and Lane wanted to have company at our house but her behavior had been not so good and she had 4 days of restriction and the answer of course was "NO!!!"  so we stood outside of pizza hut and Caleb came over to Doug and was in tears and said "I wanna take Lanes punishment so she can have Molly spend the night"....  WOW !!!!  it took us back for a quick moment and then Doug reminding  Caleb again that Christ did that for us! what a GREAT moment and also explaining that to Lane :)  we have to take moments like that and just praise God and thank Him for sooooo much and thanking Him for taking our place when we deserved that death!!!!!!!!.......  

If you love blogs this is one to follow!... God has given her a gift of writing .... Ann Voscamp is her name and her book is 1000 gifts

Monday, August 13, 2012

BEING a GOOD steward..... ???

one of the things that the Lord has dealt with me and Doug over the past 3 years at least is being good stewards of the money HE has in trusted us with!.... fail!!!!!....  we try sooooo very hard on saving and giving where we are lead by HIM to do, but we fail..... well at least I feel guilty!......... as I was growing up I lived with a single mom and I had everything that I needed and most of my wants  ... But we only went on 1 vacation BUT it was MEMORABLE!!!!  so growing up seeing mom struggle at times to make ends meet I think that made me who I am today! many of you know I have a sister ..... long story but for now it is not even about that anyway so details on that later :)   ... thankful that my growing up life shaped the way I shop and spend money etc....
I am FRUGAL... Doug is not!... Don't you just love how the Lord matches... to his defense he is a giver!... he LOVES to give and I am FOREVER thankful that his heart is for others! in many ways I wish I was a little freer with money to others but the Lord uses me in a different way!.. again LOVE how that works!... But to my post... sometimes I feel guilty when I need something.. many of you know I am runner and runners need good shoes... well me... I go to the store.... get the type of shoe that fits well and makes me feel comfortable running and so I go and buy that shoe!... well kinda I usually buy the one that is half price ($30 or so...).... well last time I bought shoes was about 6 months ago and guess what....  tore.. worn out already!....  so my whole post is really to be about the shoes that Doug surprised me with Saturday... I will not talk about the price because I will faint right at this computer sooooooo..... I am gonna keep them... one reason is my sweetie bought them... second...  they will last me about 500 miles....  third I will not have to replace them ANYTIME I think in the long run he is right!... I JUST LOVE HIM!!!!  not because he buys me stuff.. my love language is acts of service... (unloading the dishwasher, folding clothes, etc...)  I am thankful for my husbands heart and thankful that he knows that this investment will last a long time..... I will continue to shop at Aldi, Goodwill, and any place that saves us money and then there is MORE to give!!!!!

 Ill post a picture of the shoes later!

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Father's day... aka here DADDY!!!

what a blessing and a joy........ Doug aka to kiddos daddy!... what a man!... Doug is one of the most loving, kissing(ask anyone!) man of God, Witty, loud, hard working, dependable, high energy, passionate, kind, selfless man I know!... He is ALWAYS seeking and asking God to help him lead our family in the way which God designed it.. for that I am thankful!... He is up before the roosters and lays his head down well after the sun goes in from the day ... for that I am thankful!  He is always smiling for the camera and when its time for a funny pose his finger ALWAYS ends up at his nose... for that I am thankful! When I am at whits end, he is ALWAYS wanting me to take a breather... for that I am thankful!  sitting under him while we are on break from teaching SS hearing Gods word.... for that I am thankful! working so hard while I can stay at home and homeschool..... for that I am thankful!....... I could list and list all the things that I am thankful for and it could take up this WHOLE page...
but I think this sums it up ..... I am thankful that God would allow me to love a man who seeks to be more like His heavenly Father... GOD!!!!.... for that I am REALLY thankful!

Fathers day 2012...... enjoy!