Monday, March 26, 2012

God is Bigger....

This has for sure been one of the BUSIEST weekends by far for us!.. Doug's late night for work is Friday night  and he had to work this Saturday so soccer was all on me.. not only games but pictures too :) . then we had a spend the night ( ya know sleep is not something that happens alot when those come around) up for church on Sunday, look at a house , went on a bike/running ride, church, then home around 7:45pm.. whew... that has just about worn me out typing it!, but I have NOTHING to complain about because what Christ did for me on the cross is soooo much more than I have ever done..

 I am reading AGAIN.. respectable sins and it hits me EVERY TIME.. This book I did about 2 years ago (pregnant with Andrew) and now I am doing it again... I love to see how books "change" when I am in a different place spiritually. It seems as though our society has changed the word sin to infidelity, fraud etc..until about 4 or 5 years ago I knew what sin was and knew I was a sinner but I never realized that it was sooooo offensive to God and he could not even be in the presence of it!... ... I want REAL knowledge of my sin... God continue to give me the desire to want you to reveal it to me.. not that he wants me to stay in a place of guilt because that is not true at all.. he took my sin on that cross and I can never know the cost... love that song!.. one of the things about this book that I love is he continues to say Don't read this book and wish someone you knew would read it, he wants you to DIG into your own heart!.. I have caught myself many times thinking Doug needs to read this part or so and so needs to but then I am reminded... Angela you need to read this!... oh how it is so hard to be in a place where you get taken to the wood shed!..

we are also in the process of starting the adoption... well our house is the 1st priority, to get it on the market, and if it sells then amen, if it doesn't then amen.. we just wanna be obedient to Gods call.. I have had to protect my heart because not everyone understands this call.. but if you are a Christian then you are called in the scriptures to take care of the orphans and widows, it might mean for you to bring a child in your home but there is plenty of opportunity to partner with those who are by prayer, financial or other means!... Saturday night we went next door to our neighbors house to love on them and as we were talking our neighbor told us that a house in our neighborhood that is under contract sold for far less than it should have but as we sat there Doug and I said "God is bigger than this housing market" so if we are to stay, then fine, if we are to move, then fine... we know that he is sovereign and he will do what is best for us~



  1. Love this! Praying that you guys will be patient and trust in His timing. So excited for the changes that are taking place in your family!!
