Friday, November 5, 2010

Can't believe it!

As I was surfing on the computer this morning, I came by a blog & I thought I have been meaning to start one BUT with such a busy life I lead how could it be possible to keep up with one more thing!.. But someone not too long ago said that they blog throughout the year & at the end they print it off & they have a record of what happened that year... well I said that is a GREAT plan... sooo here I am...
just a little about me... Stay at home mom, homeschooling mom, soccer mom, and "talk house mom".. and about to be an upward mom...  wow lots of moms in that... I am also a wife to the love of my life Doug!... I am thankful to God that he has given me such a WONDERFUL husband! We have been married 9 1/2 years.. we have 4 beautiful kiddos... Alexis 9, Caleb 7, Lane 4, Andrew 10weeks.. We want to raise them in the ways of the Lord.. We want them to hunger for his Word & things of eternal value!... I am thankful each and everyday for the life that God has given me!... soooo that is just a preview of our life... LOTS more to come!


  1. YAY! I'm your first follower! So glad you started a blog. You will NOT regret it. I love reading through my old posts and seeing where I was personally and spiritually and seeing the record of our family memories!

  2. Okay, girl! I have jumped on the bloggy bandwagon too! I would put my pic on here so you could look at my mug every time I comment, but I don't know how to put it on here! Hee,hee! This is going to be very interesting for me, but I can't wait to keep up with your blog and see what's up with the Lawrences!!

  3. Oh, man! It put my pic on here for me. Hmmm, how did that happen, I wonder?
