Wednesday, April 29, 2015

You are I AM and you wreck me...

sometimes ALL the time God wants us to repent (turn from our sin) and receive that forgiveness through His son Jesus... I was/am guilty.. yes.. GUILTY of pride.. you see Pride is the root of all sin!

Proverbs 16:5 Everyone who is arrogant in heart is an abomination to the Lord; be assured, he will not go unpunished. 

we love ourselves and we think in comparison to others we are "good" when in all honesty we are NOT!

Romans 3:10as it is written: “None is righteous, no, not one;

you see that is not taught in most churches now days.. sin is not brought up.. Now a days the church service, events and most everything we come in contact with seems to tell us it is all about us!... the Word has been diluted, trampled, and down right ignored these days.. it seems as though when we are in our sin no one wants to approach you because that would be "judging".....

Gal. 6:1 Brothers, if anyone is caught in any transgression, you who are spiritual should restore him in a spirit of gentleness. Keep watch on yourself, lest you too be tempted. 

I have been doing a bible study on Tuesday mornings and it has rocked no wrecked my heart... Are we making our own God of the Bible or are we digging into the scriptures to see God for who He TRULY is?? Do I go through the day and have little or no regard for Him? When we are in the midst of trials, temptations, everyday life .. do we consider what God thinks or says about it? I remember hearing a story one time about a lady who was asked if she wanted a sofa and she responded "Ill pray about it." it is a sofa for crying our loud BUT what a great picture of how God wants to communicate.. to most it seemed like something silly to pray about BUT He is concerned with His children.. He hears our prayers, He loves that we come to Him even in the "small" stuff... I am thankful for this study.. it makes me come to the fact that I fall short BUT in His grace and mercy I am redeemed.. and I am not to take God lightly.. He is worthy, Holy, and to be the up most respected! I am thankful that our pastor holds the word in such high regard...

Lord I thank you for wrecking me ... may you continue.. 

This song came on in the car earlier... it has such RICH truths about God..
YOU ARE I AM by Mercy Me

this song takes me back to the day the Lord called me to go to China... This song speaks so much to me.. I sit and listen over and over and I miss China.. I miss the people, I miss the oppression because they have no hope and I have the answer of Jesus for them!!, why go to China?? They need to hear the hope that is within me and any other believer. I know the oppression in our own cities here and I share.. LOTS... but it can seem overwhelming all the time.. with all the recent events that have happened in the news.. will we talk? complain? or will we DO something? I don't want to be a sideline christian! The need is great , the need is real, and we are never promised tomorrow! who wants to come along side us??

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