Monday, October 21, 2013

Time!!! it is so precious!!!

time is precious, I mean really precious.. the kiddos are growing and changing RIGHT before my eyes!!!! I am realizing now that I am a mom of 6 that there is just not enough hours in the day. Things get pushed to the next day and so on... and guess what... I AM OK WITH THAT...

laundry, well , that is a whole blog in itself, I don't even have time to write the blog...
kitchen clean, well, it stays cluttered...
bathrooms, this may be gross, but I think it has been about 2 weeks since the last deep clean..
beds...I need to change the sheets as I write this..
mopping.... that needs to be done , like, yesterday....
dusting... what is that!!!

oh , I did today get all the closets except for mine changed out... it will be cold later this week my friends... I will be freezing but the kids will be NICE and COZY  :)

years ago if you ask me about how my house looked I would tell you it is CLEAN... well I have changed, the sanctification process comes last..... not something that I will do before I love on these kiddos!!!
I have said so many times  "the days are long, but the years are short"  this is my life.... it is so true... if I have time for nothing else ..... I will spend time with my kiddos...

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