Thursday, September 27, 2012

When I am tired............

I had a friend tell me the other day....  people say why are you looking so tired and the response is I have been tired since the birth of the first child..... ummm for me that is 2001.........  ummmm 11 years of being tired, I think so................................. 
when I get tired I am GRUMPY, MEAN, SHORT, and just plain UGH to be around... is that what the past 11 years have been like , hopefully NO!!!!!!!!!!!!  having 4 kiddos in 9 years can really take a toll on you both physically and mentally, well I am soooooooooooo thankful for grace.. my families grace BUT more importantly HIS grace....

you say what is the definition of grace?
well this is the mean unmerited favor

I am thankful for grace, His grace...... if I did not have Jesus, I would be facing being separated from God eternally and for that I am not OK!... without Jesus we face being separated eternal.....  this is reality!... not popular these days to say BUT it is truth... I am feeling an urgency to share more, share more, share more.

I pray, and pray for those I know and don't know that they would come to a knowledge of Him, of His love, of His grace... 

Romans 1:16.....
16 For I am not aashamed of the bgospel of Christ: for it is the cpower of God unto dsalvation to every one that believes; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.

I love this scripture, one of my favs.....  but as you read it it is pretty clear that it is the power of the gospel that saves....  if we have a gospel starts with Jesus then we have missed the part of who God is, and who we are... I would go as far to say that missing those two things I just mentioned means that we have left some out, so that is not the FULL gospel! some really question why they need Jesus when we live in a world that people think they are pretty good but in Romans it says 3:10 as it is written: “None is righteous, no, not one;  We measure ourselves against others (ie.. people in jail, murders, druggies, neighbors, etc.) when we really should compare ourselves to a Holy God!!!!...  amen! or oh me!!.....  

so as I go back to being tired and how I am when I am tired there is only one word to use to describe me... its SIN!!!.. I don't want to be all those things!.. its just not who I want to be , I want to be more like HIM!!!!...  all to say its grace, for which I am thankful!.. as Ann Voscamp would say... ALL IS GRACE!!!!!...  so thankful since I am in HIM I am forgiven, and when he sees me he sees HIS son!!!!



  1. oh girl, those adjectives that you used to describe yourself when you are TIRED, sounds just like the words used to describe me yesterday when i was HUNGRY! haha! you would have thought i hadn't eaten in days. All is Grace indeed! :)
