God sure has a way of sending you to a place where he wants you...
I have not only been very busy with end of the year activities, but just getting back from a sweet camping at the beach mini vacation.... I feel like my head is spinning most days....
I have lately been ask the question "where are you at in the adoption process?" and simply my answer is God has us in this waiting place.. NOT quite sure why but he pretty much has me in the be still place... for those who know me that is not easy as my life with 4 kiddos, husband, dogs, cat, commitments, etc, I have the life of go, go, go... although God has been doing a work in me on that as well~!
I want to reveal so much of what the Lord has been doing but again he has me in this stillness! Doug and I are praying through so much and all we want to do is be obedient!. We want our life to reflect Jesus.. That means being fully obedient to the Father! what does that look like?? We are becoming so much closer to getting our house on the market .. obedience! We are praying ... obedience! Scrubbing the scriptures....obedience!
As I even write getting the house on the market... I say Lord if it is YOUR will! Whether it sells or not.. AMEN!
I know he has plans for us.. BIG plans...What does it look like?? I wish I had the puzzle pieces already put together BUT if that were the case then I would not be depending and leaning on HIM! so as you feel lead please pray for us, that we would be obedient! and still! until he reveals what HIS plans are for us!
In Christ,