Friday, February 13, 2015

some encourgement for us moms... and others too!

Do you ever have days that NOTHING you have planned works out?? as a busy mom to 8 I know that everyday can bring something new and sometimes things that I have planned just don't get done.. can I get an AMEN!!!!! I was speaking to one of the case managers  for our kiddos and she relpied.. I have got nothing done that I needed to do.. lots of other things popped up.. we laughed and then I said something that I always say to myself when days just don't seem to go as planned... " God had something different for me today!" 
I always want to rest in Him, rest in His sovereignty, rest in His plan, rest in His salvation, rest under His wings..... I think I have all these plans and when those things don't happen I am reminded once again that He is in control. May that be where we all are... resting in HIM! He knows what is best, He loves us, He cares for us, He meets us..... right where we are! I am so thankful that God is there.. He knows my inner being, He knows my heart.(yikes) .. He is so good to us even when we THINK we know what is best!.. so today I pray that we would rest in His plan, His love and His sovereignty!!!!

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