Friday, February 14, 2014

Home is hard to leave....

the time has come... our older kiddos are not wanting to go spend days and days with my in laws in Florida... they are becoming home bodies!!! I am so thankful that they want to be here! They want to be with us, they love their own beds, they want to be with each other, the thought of being 6 hours away make them sad, the long drive heading south does not sound fun anymore, the lake that they once LOVED to play in is no longer exciting......

They are growing up (when I say they I am speaking of Alexis and Caleb) ...

Alexis told us the other day that she and Caleb were like twins (they are 18 1/2 months apart) they LOVE each other, they have a special bond, they NEVER fight, they giggle at the same things, think alike at times, and always are the best cheerleader for one another, they push each other to make them better, and I am thankful that they have this sweet relationship... It has always been like this from day one... Alexis has held, loves, cuddled, dropped (yes, when he was 2 months old she got him out of the swing because he was crying and I heard it... But he needed you mommy!!) bossed, cheered, prayed for, lost sleep (yes.. she spent the night when he was in the hospital with an asthma attack) read labels for his diet, and just been there for him..... Its  a special bond for sure!!!

When they were asked to go to Granny and Grandpas for a 5 day stay.... Caleb with out hesitation says NOPE... I am not going to be away that long and Lane was like YES!!!! I am going, Andrew was YES!!! I am going and here is Alexis so torn.... she is a pleaser and DOES not like to disappoint!! she always has others feelings in mind... "Granny will be sad" she says... and for DAYS she wrestled with this decision.... tears and all... and finally she just said I can't go!!!  I will miss y'all and I don't want to be 6 hours away... BABY it is OK!!! you can stay at home till you get married!!! My heart was full!!! They love us, our home,  our family! I am grateful!!

Lane and Andrew will go and they will have so much fun!!! because like the older ones... there will come a day when they will not want to go to...

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