Thursday, January 9, 2014

bittersweet.... a new journey

I need to be doing everything BUT sitting on this computer writing a blog BUT my heart is so heavy, full, but peaceful! can those all go together... maybe not... BUT today is the day.
The boys that God brought to our home and challenged me in sooooo many ways are leaving... last night I was gathering toys, clothes, knick knacks and I was peaceful.... I am thankful that we had this time to invest in them.
We (through the Lords guidence) brought 2 boys that were literally bouncing off the walls to normal boys that had control.
Boys that screamed at the top of their voices to boys that use their inside voice.
Boys that ate so fast with their hands to eating with a fork or spoon.
Boys that had never prayed over a meal to asking for a turn to pray.
Boys that learned how to get along with others (well, most of the time)
Boys that had a warm bed.
Boys who saw what a family is really like.
Boys who had a family pray for them.
Boys who heard that Jesus was really a baby (E had NEVER heard this)
Boys (well really only E)knows what sin is
and so many more things...
But today is the day that they take the next journey in their life... praying that all the seeds that were planted here fell sooooooo deep in good soil so they can come to know the Lord as their personal Lord and savior....
God has done a great work in Doug and myself revealing our sin and although it was sooooo hard having it revealed I know that God will use it! This was God using this situation to sanctify us more into His image!!!!!!!  oh, how it it painful..... BUT oh, how it is worth it!


  1. So thankful for your commitment to obey God and love orphans. May God provide your family with a sweet time of renewal! Thank you for sharing your heart!

  2. Prayed for you guys this morning and will continue to pray for you. I know although you are ready to take this next step that it will also be hard to let them go. They are a part of you forever now... We love you guys and are thankful for you!
