God is so good,
God is so gracious,
God is sovereign!
Today was a day that was full of tears.... good ones people!!!! I was so excited to find out that we would be able to stay in a cabin in Blue Ridge and just be "us" for 2 days... understanding that my heart is not in a place of not taking the boys but we really feel like our kiddos need a couple of days to decompress... Fostering is a whole family mission and kiddos really can't fully communicate that they need at times BUT we know when its time for them... second I received and anonymous check in the mail today with the SWEETEST note and one of the lines said "go, do something with this that you ALL can enjoy!!! so guess what I will honor that person and we are tossing several things in our heads BUT I think that the aquarium is top, the Fantasy of lights too... E our 4 yr old Foster son will be sooooooo excited!!! N well, he is young and probably won't remember ... our kiddos will be doing cartwheels, flips, jumps well, you get the picture... I am SO thankful and amazed at how God uses us,!!!
a journey of life and I am blessed to be walking with My Lord!
Isaiah 12:4
In that day you will say: "Give thanks to the LORD, call on his name; make known among the nations what he has done, and proclaim that his name is exalted.