I am finally catching up on my blog..kinda!.. life has been a little lonely with 'J" leaving.. I miss him, I miss the smell of a newborn, snuggles, and so many other things.. BUT I am also enjoying having a little break. We have for a little over 2 years had 23 foster children.. I am gonna enjoy having only one and ENJOYING my own children too! Fostering is tough and to be honest it is a LONELY road.. only other foster parents can REALLY understand how fostering a child is not like the ones you birthed.. so as I go journey through life it is lonely.. things are not always so cutsie when "M" is doing things and you know some of those things stems back to his brokenness..
As I pray and seek the Lords will I am also pleading with Him to know my heart... you see I never thought this journey would lead my heart for adoption but it is now longing for it.. not sure if it is I am EXHAUSTED with DFACS.. the visits, the caseworkers, the transporters, the complaints from the moms, the not so truthful things said, and the list goes on.... or if He has pricked my heart for something different..
I am longing to see what God will do.