Friday, August 28, 2015

wanna know something.........

this post.. its a hard one... I always say this is my journal of where my feelings are at a particular time.. so here it goes! Tired.. yep I said it.. we are so.very.tired.. we fall into the bed every night and pray that little man sleeps all night.. Doug has been training a new guy so he has been at our house by 4am Doug is up by 3-3:45 every morning. I on the other hand get up anywhere between 4:30 and 5:30.. I have to have my quiet time and COFFEE before my day starts... we got a new foster baby 'P' and oh she is precious all 11 months precious... BUT she is in a transition period (many things) and its hard on her  but she will do fine... I have no doubts she will thrive and do so well here. I lean on the Lord for His strength and grace as we tread new waters of a 13 week old, 11 month old, and 19 month.. plus our 4.. BUT Jesus has been so good to me and helps me every.single.second... seriously I do not know how people go through life without Jesus... also we are in FULL blown school!!!! lots of tears, frustration, love, excitement all bundled up in a package... running.. I love that I am back to my running routine.. thankful that the Lord gave me a running partner who also understands tired soooo if we get tired we walk :) ...  and something that soooo man people say to be and have said over the past years since our fostering journey... you are super mom.. just for the record I am weak BUT He is strong, I am undone BUT He is not, I am not worthy to come before Him, BUT Jesus is my advocate, I am a sinner, BUT He makes me right with Him, I am tired BUT He is never weary,  I am me and He is Jesus.. I am not super mom , I am a momma who seek and runs after Jesus every second, every minute, everyday.. I always want to point all these things to Jesus.. I am so thankful He chose me.. now may I be obedient to share Him always with whomever I see!