Tuesday, November 11, 2014

empty beds.....

This morning as I am drinking my coffee and doing my bible time I started thinking more and more about what our house will look like in 2 months... I do know that beyond a shadow of a doubt God does!
This is my brain.. I know after seeing all the questions you may say ... OH MY!!! that is enough thinking for one day  :)

What will an empty bed mean?
What will be in that bed in 6 months?
What "nameless" child will snuggle in those covers?
Will J (baby) have a partner to sleep with in her room?
Will J (big) have a slumber party for a few months with someone?
Will we have J and J much longer after Jan 6?
Will L and C love their beds like they do here?
Will they feel safe?
Will they have enough covers?
oh my and the list goes on... ... I have thought about empty beds so much lately! You see they have been occupied for 6 and 8 months... we have seen kiddos grow, cry, snuggle, and love their beds!!!

I think about our own kiddos and how much they LOVE their beds and they know that they can stay in those beds ... security, love, covers, and sometimes even doodle  snuggling to them!,... but that is not true of some foster kiddos.. they long to have a forever bed... they long to have a secure place to lay their head each night.. that is what makes me sad for these kiddos... they can never find rest BUT I do know that when they were here they could lay their head at night and know that it would be there for the next time!!!
I pray that each one of these girls finds their rest in God alone.. He is our comfort, security, love, Father and most of all that they know He loves them something BIG!!!
so as I think about the beds... empty... I will remember myself that God has much bigger plans and has more kiddos in line for the empty beds!

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Happenings from yesterday....

Could you EVEN imagine... being a Judge??? oh.my. it would seriously be awful job!!!! I can't imagine what he must think EVERY single day hearing all the stuff we heard yesterday.. you see.. we had court AGAIN .. its hard! like REALLY hard... kids on the line. hearts on the line. families broken. pain involved. I do not like it Sam I am.. we heard it all from a opossum in a bed, nits and lice in hair, positive drug screens that morning, horrible car accidents, mom on the run, 18 wheeling homeschooling mom, a bailiff *maybe* having to take one down, and the list goes on..... its heavy, like REALLY heavy.. I would be so burdened EVERY night.. But thankfully he has to uphold the laws.. see he does not make the laws he just follows them.. I liked him a lot.. he had mercy but yet was stern with these parents... I know what he would have done personally.. but he must uphold laws. I am thankful we get 2 more months with J and J.. they bring so much fun to our family.. this month we will say goodbye to L and C but I know God has this situation and all things under control! and for that I am at peace and thankful! 

Job 1:21 always comes to mind when I think of my heart hurting about the days to come... 
He said, "Naked I came from my mother's womb, And naked I shall return there. The LORD gave and the LORD has taken away. Blessed be the name of the LORD."