oh my...
anytime we have a situation wether it be our kiddos or foster kiddos it goes to the depth of me!. Last week all 8 children had strep.. well thankfully it was different days where each one of them needed my attention indivually... do you see Gods grace in that? as each child hurt, moaned, fevered, I was raw to the depths.. my heart ached for each one of them...
When a boo boo happens, bad dream, friend hurting your own, or hormonal stuff you hurt, deep hurt!
As I write and God knows the depths of my hurt for each child in our home whether it be biological or foster when they are in pain or hurting socially or just cant do certain things.. yesterday we had a big meeting with a professional and we heard some news that makes you raw... hurt, question, BUT most of all lean on Jesus.. He is the healer for the broken, He is the sustainer for the weak, He is the comforter for uncomfortable situations, He is the Joy in the midst of trials....
so as we press on we know beyond a doubt we take refuge under His wings just like a mother to her ducklings! We trust that He knows what is best, We know He will lead us to the right Dr's, and we trust in His timing!